Lino de Albergaria - writer

A Word from the Author

About my writing and my person

I believe, primarily, that every writer is a reader. Undoubtedly, the reader makes up the author. A phrase attributed to Flaubert, "Madame Bovary, c'est moi ", whose authenticity is still discussed, in various attempts of interpretation, would, ultimately, mean to me: "As well as my character Emma Bovary, I am a reader".

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Its light is so intense, particularly seducing

Testimony to Fabrício Marques’ book “A City Invents Itself - Belo Horizonte according to its writers “(Scriptum Publisher, 2015)

Fernandes Tourinho Street is Lino´s address, not only because it happens to be the one he has lived in, in the same building, for the last 20 years, but also because it is where his family was when he was born in 1950: in a house that still exists; number 962.

"I had photos, (apparently I have lost them) in front of that house, in which I was still a baby with my brothers, cousins and my grandfather, who I also lost when he was five. I have no recollection of my first address”.

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Lino de Albergaria - 30 years of literature

Thirty years of writing makes us wonder how the reader has become an author and how both, reader and writer, co-exist. In these three decades, Lino de Albergaria has published more than 80 books, a few for adult audiences, but most of his work is for a young readers.

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Rua Fernandes Tourinho, 850 / 1401 - Lourdes - Belo Horizonte/MG
(31) 3287.3776 / (31) 2108.7620
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Facebook: Lino de Albergaria - 30 anos
Youtube: Entrevistas - Lino de Albergaria